Hot stone massage is a wonderful calming treatment that brings another level to cellular relaxation. The smooth stones are made of ancient volcanic rock, a substance that naturally holds heat for an extended period of time. The heat gently radiates deep into your body increasing blood flow, whilst inducing a profound sense of relaxation, which is key to initiating your innate healing capabilities.
I find this treatment can greatly help clients with deeply held tension patterns, and stressed over active minds.
60 minutes - £70
90 minutes - £90
Hot stone massage is a wonderful calming treatment that brings another level to cellular relaxation. The smooth stones are made of ancient volcanic rock, a substance that naturally holds heat for an extended period of time. The heat gently radiates deep into your body increasing blood flow, whilst inducing a profound sense of relaxation, which is key to initiating your innate healing capabilities.
I find this treatment can greatly help clients with deeply held tension patterns, and stressed over active minds.
60 minutes - £70
90 minutes - £90